Well, I've let the blog lapse in the past few months. Sorry about that. I still don't have that much to say right now, so I thought I'd let some photos speak for me. Here is a collection of pics taken recently of some food jobs, gardens, local environs, and some new art. It's all within the FOOD ART WELLNESS theme ( I think) and should tide me over while my new website gets its final touches. For a sneak preview go to:
And for enjoyment purposes only here are the pictures ~~ please leave comments and share!
Gratuitous brag: Liam's graduation. And yes, he wore his kilt. UCLA School of Theatre Film and Television.
When I was in LA, I stayed on an extra day to take a chocolate class at Matthew Kenney. We made fudge and truffles, tempered chocolate and molé.
A summer dinner in the Russian River Wine Country.
Some selections from my garden. It's amazing what will grow with so little. The best was what volunteered in the compost box!
plenty of these giant
volunteers in compost box volunteers under bird feeder
pumpkins in June?
A few more food items....
spring bunny juice
crepes layered with berries and yogurt creme
a seasonal snack plate
shortbread coins
blackberry cobbler
And here's to you Dad.
June 23, 1924 - June 12, 2014
the end.
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